Plan Your Visit

New Here?

Visiting Mortons Corners Baptist Church

Some things to know

Welcome!  We hope that you  decide to make Mortons Coreners Baptist Church as your new church home!

As you plan your visit, here are some things to know.


Our Beliefs

Worship Times

Youth & Kids

New Here?

Complete our Guest Card

(Our Pastor will contact you within the next week or so.)
Guest Card
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A Look at Mortons Corners Baptist Church


Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the church located?
Do you offer childcare?

We have a dedicated team who provide a fun, clean and loving nursery experience during every service for children 0-3 years old.

Is an offering expected?
We want you to feel that this service is a gift meant for you. Our hope is that you experience a warm family atmosphere here, discover the truths found in God’s Word, and enjoy a space where you can deepen your growth in God’s grace. As a guest, please know that there is no obligation for you to take part in the offering.
What should I wear?
At Mortons Corners Baptist Church, we believe that dressing for church should be a personal choice, free from any formal dress code for both our members and guests. While many of our ministry leaders and church family may opt for traditional Sunday attire, what truly matters to us is that you feel at home and at ease during your visit.