For Grades 6 - 10
Upcoming Events

Youth Group

What is AWANA?

AWANA stands for Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed (I Timothy 2:15) and offers age-appropriate clubs. Clubs are fun, exciting and are centered on the gospel and scripture memorization. Youth enjoy games, activities and group sessions that strengthen their relationship with Jesus and their knowledge of the Bible. AWANA is a wonderful opportunity for youth to create life-long friendships with AWANA leaders and fellow AWANA clubbers!

Be a Part of the AWANA Club

Come join us and build relationships while focusing on the Word of God.

For those in grades 6 – 10.

Starts Sunday, February 2, 2025!

AWANA Meeting Day and Time

Club meets Sundays

1pm – 3pm


See what is upcoming at Mortons Corners Baptist Church.

Register for AWANA

AWANA Registration
Any known food allergies or medications?
Registering another child?
Any known food allergies or medications for next child?
Permission Acknowledgement

Get Involved

Join Us At Any Event!

Open Registration

Each Sunday at 12:45pm

Come ready to engage in the Word and have fun with others.


Youth in Community

Look back here for updates soon!